29 April 2008


A reciprocated reply would make a world of difference, but this unrequited love has sapped the light out of you...now everything doesn't matter anymore.

Taking its toll on you, as every misleading beacon in the midsts of this mist sends a happy spree of hope like a surge of dope into your veins, and the withdrawal seems to kill a little bit of you every time.

This happiness is a drug and in its depression is the only comfort it can offer...
How much before you break?
How many breaks before you can muster the strength and declare that you had enough?
How long more can you wait before you tell that person how you really feel?

For love that is one way, it is to love, but to love in vain...

Get the rejection out of the way and move on with life, wallow in this misery and taste the bitterness of loneliness....
But what if the love is requited? I guess you'll never know till you try...so wear your heart on your sleeve before it is too late, realize the fear that your throbbing heart may eventually cool and be shielded by a wall of ice built by an architect of pain. And it will take a tremendous amount of amourous heat to melt that coldness away, if ever you are to love again.....


28 April 2008

About Dat Guy...RPI

Ga nyangka..akhirNa bisa ketemu Dia...( Nama disamarkan Jadi RPI ya...he he he )....
Kenal seh baru, cuma lewat messeges di FS doank, awalNa seh ga Ngeh coz di FS na ga da Fhoto..tp tuh Doi kekeh bgt Kirim messeges ampe 3x...ya udah akhirna Re call aja...eh ga tauNa bisa berlanjut ampe sekarang...

Anaknya asik..rame n ga Ngebosenin lah...
By Phone doank seh dah rame eh ga tau nya asli na Lebih rame, padahal pas ketemu pertama sok Jaim gitu..
BNI jadi saksi bisu pertemuan kita..he he he..
lucu aja seh..pas ketemu doi msh tanya, Re berubah pikiran ga...ya tentu ga lah...dari pertama Re kenal dia juga Re ga pernah mikir n ngebayangin yg macem2 ttg dia..so apapun n bagaimanapun dia, ya Re berharap smoga kita bisa jadi temen yg baik..
Yg Re salut, tuh doi ternyata Ngebuktiin semua omongan dia...( Thanks ya pak...buat kadoNa, walaupun agak kaget liat isinya tp its okay lah...cantik koq isinya, sayang aja BungkusNa lebih Gede dr Isinya..he he he...) n yg Re lebih salut lagi, semua Omongan dia di tlp n asliNa ternyata sama...it's mean klo dia orangnya apa adaNa...

Ada 1 kalimat dia yg Re inget ampe sekarang n dia dah ngebuktiin omongan itu
" Aku ga bakal ngambil apa yg ga dikasih sama aq "

Ketemu...say hai...akhirNa kita jalan deh menuju suatu tempat yg lom Re kenal tp ternyata jadi tempat yg Indah bgt...thanks ya pak dan nunjukin n ngajarin banyak hal..smoga akan ada ilmu2 selanjutnya he he he

Doi sempet tanya seh kenapa Re ga berubah Pikiran n dalam waktu 15 menit dah bisa doin' that n This...ya ga tau ya...yg pasti Re respest ma Dia dah dr awal Tlp n itu semata2 karna The way he speak n what did he say..

The First Experience...
wonderful n ofcourse Unforgetable moment...

jadi wanna repeat it once again deh..he he he

Duh...tp Re msh punya 2 janji yg lom Re penuhin neh, kmrn tuh sempet ingkar juga seh n tuh doi keliatan rada bete...
ya deh..tar kapan2 pasti Re penuhin janjinya...

01 April 2008

Help me....

i don't know what's in me these past few days and i am getting crazy for you again..it's like falling in love for the first time again...i have met you, mingled with you, almost loved you like you were the one for me...

i envision myself indulging in the bliss of your arms, enveloping, caressing me...your smile, though not perfect, glimmer like the stars in the sky. your charming personality says it all and it made me vulnerable...the feeling that was once gone, now kills and exhilarates me at the same time...

maybe i just missed you a lot. but i should be going on with my life...i must go on...without you

but it was the other way around...i still succumb into that thought that once made me happy to know that i am alive. the only thing that would make me stop this foolishness is the fact that you're out of my reach...that you're happy now with someone...that we can't be together for some reasons.

please help me to understand the painful truth between the two of us...i need you to help me wake up from what it seemed to be is a dreadful nightmare...

help me to break free...